Pumpkin-Cordon-Bleu with prosciutto and ricotta

Pumpkin Cordon Bleu with Prosciutto and Ricotta

  • Meat
  • main-course
Recipe from: Richard Rauch and Katharina Seiser

Thin pumpkin slices wrapped around prosciutto ham and ricotta cheese.


  • Preparation time: 45 min
  • 4 Portions
Step 1

Peel the pumpkin, remove the core, and cut into 16 slices of 2-3 mm. Salt both sides of the slices and leave for 15 minutes. Dab with a clean tea or paper towel.

Step 2

Form small "packages" by wrapping each slice of prosciutto around ½ teaspoon of ricotta and 2 basil leaves. Season two pumpkin slices with pepper, put prosciutto package between the slices and press together, making sure the ricotta is sealed inside.

Step 3

Place flour and breadcrumbs onto separate flat plates, and whisk the eggs on another plate using a fork. Coat each pumpkin "schnitzel" in flour, then drag through the beaten eggs, ensuring that no part of the pumpkin schnitzel remains dry. Lastly, coat in the breadcrumbs and carefully press down the crumbs.

Step 4

In a pan, heat oil and clarified butter. Place the pumpkin schnitzel in the pan when the fat is so hot that it hisses and bubbles up when breadcrumbs or a small piece of butter is introduced. Fry for 2 minutes until golden brown. Turn using a spatula (do not pierce the coating!) and fry on the other side until similarly golden brown. Remove the crispy pumpkin schnitzel carefully and place it on a paper towel to dry off.

Step 5

Separate parsley into small twigs and fry in hot butter or plant oil. Be extra careful and cover with a lid, as the hot oil will splash! When fried, take out the parsley and put it on a paper towel to dry. Season with salt. Garnish the Cordon Bleus with fried parsley before serving.

Tip: Serve with lemon mayonnaise and pair with a Welschriesling wine from the province of Styria.

Pumpkin Cordon Bleu with Prosciutto and Ricotta
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