Torchlight hikes in Austria
Through the Alpine winter night by firelight
Fire has fascinated humans for millennia. In the glow of torches, the winter landscape takes on a romantically mystical feel. But what makes torchlit hikes in Austria such a unique experience? Our senses sharpen in the dark, and we become more aware of sounds, smells, and subtle changes in sight—an almost primal experience. Focusing on the flame as you walk draws you into the surroundings and the present moment. It’s amazing how beautiful the stillness of the night can sound.
The most beautiful torchlight hikes in Alpine Austria

I've noticed that people find peace and quiet when they're out in the open air and are completely in the moment.
Lisa Flatscher, Mountain hiking guide from Tirol
Strength, peace, freedom
Lisa Flatscher, a mountain guide from Tirol, explains why she finds unique strength for everyday life through her experiences in nature:
“For me, the constancy of nature is a special source of strength. Nature teaches us patience—not to react immediately, but to first observe and really take a closer look. I often find answers to the questions that occupy my mind in nature. Not audible answers, but I become clear on what needs to be done. That’s why I feel deep gratitude in nature.
Additionally, being exposed to the elements has an incredibly cleansing and freeing effect on me—especially when the weather is harsh. When you’re outside in the rain or snow, you’re freed from everything you’ve been carrying with you.”
For over 10 years, Lisa Flatscher, a mountain guide from Waidring in Tirol’s PillerseeTal, has been leading people on various nature trails, including torchlit hikes. Her emphasis is on mindful awareness: "I’ve always felt safe and protected in nature, and I want to share that feeling with my guests as we explore together."
Climate Protection Tips
Take everything you bring up the mountain back with you, including tissues, packaging, and water bottles.
Stick to marked hiking trails to avoid disturbing wildlife and young forests.
Respect animals by observing cows, sheep, and wild creatures from a distance.
Make use of the well-developed network of regional trains and hiking buses.
Choose huts that are committed to sustainability and environmental protection.
Inspire your children to love nature! What they grow to know, they will appreciate.
Protect biodiversity: National park rangers can show you how.