Live healthier & happier! Longevity treatments in Austria

Plenty of exercise and sleep, less stress - and new technologies: Wellbeing is being rethought. Here's where to boost your longevity in Austria!

With life expectancy steadily increasing, the burning question is: How can we live longer better? Science is looking for answers and has already come up with a name for the trend: longevity. It doesn’t mean promising a longer life. Instead, it’s a holistic approach to promote physical and mental fitness and wellbeing later in life. Modern technologies and scientific studies are combined to increase longevity.  

More and more hotels in Austria are integrating this approach into their wellness treatments. They offer preventive measures and teach their guests how to lead a healthier life. It’s impossible to stop ageing, but it is very possible to increase the quality of life at every age.

Please note: Consult your GP before choosing your treatment option.

4 longevity treatments for a conscious self-care routine

Research shows: Lifestyle choices significantly impact our wellbeing. Exercise, sleep, social contacts and a balanced diet can all contribute to a longer and more enjoyable life. Modern technologies allow new ways to support your physical and mental wellbeing.

Cryotherapy: Cold chambers as a health booster

Short cold stimuli can potentially boost our health, according to scientific studies. Cryotherapy chambers are cooled down to as low as -110 °C. Many people use them to rejuvenate and generally enhance their wellbeing.

ELT Energising Light Therapy: Light impulses for the skin

Certain light waves are being researched to understand their possible effects on the skin. Collagen light is often associated with a relaxing break. The gentle application of light is therefore part of modern wellness concepts and complexes.

HBOT: Pure oxygen for a quicker regeneration

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) delivers pure oxygen under increased pressure. This method is used to supply the body with additional oxygen, which can potentially support a quicker regeneration, e.g. after exercising.

IHHT: Oxygen therapy as a regular health routine

Intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia therapy (IHHT) alternates between phases of low and high oxygen levels. This method is used to supply the body with additional oxygen and can be part of a personal wellbeing and health ritual.

Longevity treatments in the Austrian Alps

Regeneration and rejuvenation in Tirol

Tirol combines impressive mountain landscapes with innovative wellbeing concepts. In its premium resorts and spas, the focus is on treatments such as cryotherapy or individually tailored regeneration programmes. Here, wellbeing meets alpine luxury - and nature is the cherry on top.

Longevity retreats: Hotels, resorts and spas in Tirol

Longevity treatments in the thermal spa region

Regeneration and vitality in Styria

Styria owes its nickname "the spa country" to its many mineral-rich thermal springs. Wellness and wellbeing have a long tradition here. Nestled between lakes, forests, vineyards and even glaciers, Styria is, unsurprisingly, also a great place when it comes to innovations in the wellness world. High-altitude air therapy and cell training, cold chambers and other longevity hacks will instantly boost your energy and wellbeing.

Hotels and resorts with longevity offers in Styria

Boost your wellbeing

More longevity destinations in Austria

From cold chambers to oxygen therapies: Alpine regions in Vorarlberg, SalzburgerLand, Carinthia and Upper Austria as well as the flat Burgenland in the very east are dotted with hotels featuring longefity offers. Guests aiming to boost their health and wellbeing can enjoy modern treatments before further recharging their batteries in the great outdoors: Between mountains, forests and clean swimming lakes, it is easy to regenerate and embrace the healthy lifestyle.

From east to west: Austria's top longevity hotels

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